Hello everyone! As you all know I am currently studying my ass off for my finals, which means a very stressfull period for me. However, there should always be some time to relax and what is more relaxing than taking a warm bath and listen to music?
Today I am reviewing the Space Girl bath bomb from Lush. For those who don't know Lush: Lush is a British company who produces organic, biologic, vegan and handmade cosmetica like soap, the holy bath bombs, body lotion and make-up. Lush is animal-friendly, because they don't test their products on animals and don't sell their products in plastic bottles like most bath essentials. You get it in a paper bag. It is one of my favorite cosmetic companies, because it all looks so beautifully hand crafted and the smell is sooo good!
The bath bomb smells like blackberries, grapefruit and bergamot oil. I think it is very refreshing and the smell is pretty strong. My whole bathroom smelled like it, even after a few hours. You are also able to smell it when you don't put it in the bath yet. When I finished my bath the smell stayed on for a pretty long time!
The outside of the dry ball is light blue-ish with some red glitters sprinkled on top. It kind of looks like a planet, so I think that's where the name Space Girl comes from. When it starts bruising there is a big splash of red mixed with some glitters, the colour purple follows fastly afterwards. The colours at first do not really blend. After a while when the red and purple has blended, the bath is kind of red-ish with a shade of pink. Really cool. <3
Final Opinion
The bath bomb was 3,95 and definitely worth it! My skin felt so soft and the smell was very relaxing. I would really recommand this one!
You can order the Lush Space Girl Bath bomb >here<. Or for my Dutch followers on the Dutch website. They also sell it at most stores. Lush is sold in approxiametely 51 countries, it is worth it to check if there is one near you!
Love, Zoë